Smoother AI

AI-powered interpolation increases frame rate up to 60 FPS, and helps videos appear smoother.

  • Enhance Video Frame Rates with Artificial Intelligence

    Enhance Video Frame Rates with Artificial Intelligence

    A frame can be described as one of those still photos that make up a motion picture. Frame rate (aka. frames per second or FPS) is the amount (rate) of consecutive frames of images appear on a screen. For the majority of current TV shows and movies with scripts, the average frame rate is 24 FPS. While for sports game videos, the frame rate is higher, usually at 30 FPS. FabConverter Smoother AI is a program that works by segregating background and foreground elements, and then creating new frames and putting them inside the frames of prior ones to increase the frame rate at up to 60 FPS to guarantee smoother as well as more pleasurable watching.
  • The perfect Choice For All Kinds of Video Productions

    The perfect Choice For All Kinds of Video Productions

    AI interpolation works great with TV Shows, animation videos, home videos, movies, and many more. Particularly, for fast-moving action movies, sport videos, and animations, you'll see smoother action lines because of AI interpolation. Frame interpolation is especially effective for animations. This is due to the fact that animated videos generally are produced with a lower frame rate because hand-drawn frames are costly and take a long time.

    However, the animation that is created with hand drawings usually have distinct lines. This is because the result from AI interpolation is much more dramatic in animated videos because of the low frame rate of original videos and the clear action lines. After AI interpolation, animations appear as natural-looking and fluid.
  • Increase Any Video Frame Rate Up to 60 FPS

    Increase Any Video Frame Rate Up to 60 FPS

    For videos downloaded via the Internet, typically TV and movies, 24-frame per second is utilized as the current industry standard. For live TV shows, including sports, news programs, and soap operas, 30 frames per second is the normal. In the same way that our brain processes the insufficient amount of information to create motion, the higher FPS and the smoother it is for our eyes. FabConverter Smoother AI has the ability to increase video frame rates as high as 60 FPS to offer smoother motion and an pleasant video experience.

    Based on feedback from our customers, anyone who has watched three or more movies with the highest frame rates is reluctant to watch anything with the old 24- frames per second again. If you've had the experience of this high frame rate in movies and televisions, you'll ever want to go back again.
  • Increase the Speed of Upscaling Using GPU Hardware Acceleration

    Increase the Speed of Upscaling Using GPU Hardware Acceleration

    Video upscaling is a high-intensity computer tasks that require lots of energy and performance from the processors of computers. However, don't be worried! As you ensure the highest quality of output,

    Smoother AI is able to make use of GPU acceleration technologies from contemporary AMD, Intel Graphics Cards and CUDA Compatible NVIDIA Graphics Card. We also use Vulkan to drastically increase speeds of the transformation. Therefore, even though high performance is required of computers that can handle full video scaling Our software has the ability to use acceleration technology in a safe manner which gives you the highest performance.
  • Convert Using Multiple AI Interpolation Engines

    Convert Using Multiple AI Interpolation Engines

    FabConverter Smoother AI features various AI interpolation frame engines, the RIFE v1/v2/v2.4 CAIN, RIFE and DAIN. Additionally, by updating and enhancing the engine, the results of frame interpolation is more efficient than the prior version, which results in more smoother, more precise videos and animations.
  • Save Files to Play on Any Device, at Any Time and Anywhere

    Save Files to Play on Any Device, at Any Time and Anywhere

    The primary difference between the Real-Time Interpolation method in comparison to FabConverter Smoother AI is the way that it permits input of various source files and creates a an independent, long-lasting output file in only one process.

    The output files are playable on any devices, like TVs, mobile phones and other standalone devices. You can also share interpolated files with friends as well as upload them onto YouTube whenever you'd like.

System Requirements

  • ★ Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7 (64-bit)
  • ★ Pentium II 500 MHz
  • ★ 2GB of RAM
  • ★ 10GB of free hard disc space
  • ★ Live Internet connection required to register FabConverter (little network traffic used)